Modern Seattle Dream Home

this design new modern seattle dream home because design this use inspiration ide dream in implementation in home. i think thats good this design. Offering priceless panoramic views of sun, sand and surf, this modern home in Seattle is more about the view from the inside than from the out. Not that the luxurious exterior won’t garner a few double takes. This custom home design seamlessly blurs the boundaries between outdoors and in, from its spectacular waterside setting, to the large and abundant expanses of frameless glass that allow for floor-to-ceiling views – it’s almost as though you could step right out into the world beyond. Interiors are an artful combination of sophistication, formality and ease. Natural materials find themselves in unusual places throughout the home – ceilings and walls are accented with rich, lacquered woods; while floors are cool and contemporary in stone. Built by a custom architect, this home is for sale through Tom Holst.


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